
How To Install Chrome On Linux Ubuntu

Google Chrome is the earth's most pop web browser. Information technology is fast, secure and total of features to give y'all the best browsing experience.

Ubuntu comes preinstalled with Firefox browser. Firefox has improved a lot lately and is a meliorate choice specially from the privacy point of view. However, if yous are an ardent fan of Google Chrome, I won't forcefulness you to ditch Chrome and movement to Firefox.

Google Chrome is not open source and if you try to install Google Chrome from Ubuntu Software Centre, you won't find information technology in that location. It will probably suggest installing Chromium (the open source project Chrome is derived from). Chromium is similar to Chrome, but it is all the same not the real Google Chrome.

Then how practice you install Google Chrome on Ubuntu? The simple answer is that you download it from their website.

You can do that in two ways:

  • Install Google Chrome graphically
  • Install Google Chrome in the command line

Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu Graphically [Method one]

If you lot are admittedly new to Ubuntu and Linux, this could be overwhelming for yous and I completely understand that. This is why I am going to list each step with proper screenshots hither.

Install Google Chrome Ubuntu Linux

Y'all should proceed in mind that Google Chrome is not bachelor for 32-fleck operating systems. Yous should make certain that you are using a 64-bit operating system. Read this article to find out if your arrangement is 32-chip or 64-bit.

You demand to have an active internet connection, of course.

At present become to Google Chrome's website.

Yous'll come across a download link there. Click on this download push button.

Download Google Chrome for installing it On Ubuntu
Click on Download Chrome

When yous click the download button, it gives two options for downloading files. You have to download the .deb file which is suitable for Ubuntu.

Choose DEB file for installing Google Chrome in Ubuntu
Download the DEB file

In the next screen, yous should opt for saving the file to the calculator instead of opening it in software center for installation.

If you don't do that and there were some bug from the software eye, you'll accept to download the deb file again. It'due south meliorate to download and save the file itself.

Save the deb file of Google Chrome
Save the DEB file on your computer

Your downloaded deb file should be in the Downloads folder. Installing deb files is super easy. Go to this binder and double click on the deb file. Y'all tin remember of these deb files as those exe files in Windows.

Google Chrome deb file on Ubuntu
Double click on the downloaded DEB file

It will then open up Ubuntu's software center and you should see an option for installing Google Chrome now. Hit on the install button.

Install Google Chrome in Ubuntu Software Center
Click Install push button

Troubleshoot: In Ubuntu twenty.04, you'll have to correct click on the deb file and select top open with Software Center.

Deb File Install Fix Ubuntu
Correct click on the deb file to select and open with Software Install

It will ask for your password before starting the installation. You should enter your account'due south countersign. Information technology should take less than a minute for completing the Google Chrome installation. Yous should encounter a remove option at present which indicates that the software is installed.

Finished installation of Google Chrome in Ubuntu Software Center
Google Chrome installation finished

Once you have installed Chrome on Ubuntu, yous can search for it in the card. Simply press the Windows central and kickoff typing chrome. Here are some other Ubuntu shortcuts you should know.

Google Chrome in Ubuntu 18
Search for Chrome in the menu

Click on this Chrome icon to showtime using Google Chrome.

Google Chrome running in Ubuntu Linux
Relish Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Install Google Chrome in Ubuntu Terminal [Method 2]

The process you just saw in method i tin can exist done in the last likewise. Many people prefer the GUI style simply if you similar using the command line, you lot can install Google Chrome using the final.

It'due south not as straight forward as using apt-go install chrome though just information technology's non super complicated also.

To install Google Chrome from the terminal, become the DEB file using the wget control:


Now you can utilise dpkg to install Chrome from the downloaded DEB file:

            sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb          

That'south it. Now you can find Google Chrome in the menu and start it from there.

Few tips about using Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Now that you lot have installed Google Chrome on Ubuntu 18.04 or some other version, yous should know a few tips.

1. Sync Chrome with your Google business relationship

You probably already know this. If y'all log in to Chrome with Google account (Gmail account), information technology will let you to sync your bookmarks, history, browser plugins and extensions from other devices where yous use Google Chrome with the same Google account.

two. Add Chrome to favorites

If you utilise Google Chrome often, information technology would be a good idea to add together it to your favorites in Ubuntu xviii.04 default GNOME version so that you tin can quickly access it from the launcher on the left side.

Add chrome to the launcher in Ubuntu
Add together Google Chrome to favorites for quick access

3. Updating Google Chrome browser

The good affair about Google Chrome is that information technology adds a repository in your sources.list directory.

google chrome repo ubuntu

In other words, Google Chrome will be updated along with the system updates provided by Ubuntu via the Software Updater. I guess you know how to keep your Ubuntu system updated, don't you?

chrome edge update ubuntu
Google Chrome gets updated with other organization updates in Ubuntu

iv. Google Chrome crash (don't panic)

If you see an error that says:

"The application Google Chrome has closed unexpectedly"

Don't panic. Your organisation is safe. Your Chrome browser is safe and perfectly usable.

Mayhap there was a temporary issue and some browser tab or extension crashed for some reason. Merely it's non fatal.

If y'all go along seeing the pop-up every time you lot start Google Chrome in Ubuntu, you tin use the "Ignore future issues of this program version".

Google Chrome crashes on Ubuntu Linux

It'due south upward to you if you want to send the crash report. Even if y'all don't send it, information technology won't exist a problem.


Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu is a simple task. Information technology's not available in the software center but yous can download and install it pretty much the same way every bit you practice in Windows and macOS. You can also remove Google Chrome from Ubuntu if y'all desire, but you'll have to use the last.

This is notwithstanding easier than installing Google Chrome on Curvation Linux, I believe.

By the manner, yous tin amend your browsing experience past using these Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts.

I promise this tutorial helped yous to get Google Chrome on Ubuntu and Linux Mint. If you take any questions or suggestions, delight feel complimentary to leave a comment below.


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